KVIS hosted the exchange program for a team of 4 students and a Mathematics Teacher from Gyeonggi Science High School for the Gifted (GSHS), Republic of Korea, during 18 - 25 February 2017. The GSHS students had an opportunity to study with their KVIS student buddies and conducted the collaborative research together under the supervision of both KVIS and GSHS chaperone teachers. The exchange team also had a chance to do experiments at the labs of Vidyasirimedhi Institute (VISTEC), under the supervision of our senior advisor, Dr. Thanit Pewnim.
Apart from the academic activities, the GSHS exchange team got exposure to learn more about Thai culture by attending special classes held by KVIS teachers, including Thai language, Muay Thai, and art classes. They also enjoyed spending their “homestay weekend” with their KVIS buddies' families, exploring and visiting various attractions in Bangkok and other parts of Thailand.
Reported by Saralee Eiamcharoen International Affairs Officer |