Meijo University Senior High School delegates visit KVIS

25 November 2016 : Location : Kamnoetvidya Science Academy

On the 25th of November 2016, Masaji Iwasaki, the principal of Meijo University Senior High School in Japan, Takashi Ito and Katsuya Hattori, visited Kamnoetvidya Science Academy. They came to discuss  collaboration between the two schools.

Mr. Iwasaki was welcomed by KVIS administrators, students, teachers and staff members.

The visiting team were given the opportunity to observe classes and hold discussions with teachers and students. They enjoyed a trip to tourist attractions near the school, including Mae Phim Beach and Baan Pae Market in Klaeng. Their visit marks the beginning of collaboration and what we hope will be a developing long term relationship between KVIS and Meijo University Senior High School. 

Reported by Ms. Namfar Boonkor International Affairs Officer


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