KVIS @ Thailand - Japan Student ICT Fair 2016

21 December 2016 : Location : Princess Chulaborn Scinece High School, Chonburi

Thailand - Japan Student ICT Fair 2016 (TJ-SIF 2016) was conducted during 21-24 December, 2016 at Princess Chulaborn Science High School, Chonburi. Participants from Princess Chulaborn Science High Schools located in four regions of Thailand, Science High Schools of Thailand like KVIS, MWITS etc and Super Science High Schools from Japan. Exhibits counted around 100.

KVIS participated in TJSIF 2016 with a team of 6 students and 2 teachers. They exhibited three projects as follows:

1) Multi Functional Service Droid

2) Local Feature Based Offline Handwritten Character Recognition

3) Automatic Text Summarization Technique.

Exhibits which represented KVIS got positive responses from various visitors. 

Dr. Thongchai Chewprecha and a team of teachers from KVIS visited the fair during the inauguration ceremony on 21st December 2016 and motivated the students. The KVIS robot which was developed for the "Multifunctional Service Droid" by our M5 students under the guidance of Mr. Theparak V Palma was in the spotlight due to the features it exhibited. KVIS students presented their works as oral and poster presentations.

Later in the evening, KVIS' Computer Science Teacher Dr. Ferdin Joe John Joseph presented the learning pedagogies and ICT based learning at KVIS during the "Teacher Show and Share" event. This was an opportunity for KVIS to share the innovative practices followed by KVIS with teachers of schools from Thailand and Japan. This was a good opportunity for a KVIS teacher to share his innovative practices. Altogether, three teachers from Thai schools and four teachers from Japanese schools showed and shared their experiences at this session.

The event of TJ-SIF 2016 continued to the next day with oral presentations and factory tour in the following day. This event laid down a strong foundation to build friendship and collaborations between schools from Thailand and Japan.

Reported by Ferdin Joe John Joseph Computer Science Teacher
Pictures Courtesy Theparak V Palma Microcontroller Lab Teacher


Photo Gallery TJSIF 2016