KVIS' cohort 2 student Mr. Thanakrit Wongsatit a.k.a Austin proves more on his bird observation skills. Earlier he documented the list of species of birds available in and around KVIS campus and was published here as Part 1.
Now he has come up with the new species of birds which migrated to KVIS campus after his previous list. This proves that the ecosystem has improved in KVIS campus. The birds are listed as below. All the species listed below are witnessed by Austin using a binocular and some of the species are captures by his camera. Pictures will be updated as soon as Austin captures them using his camera.
1)Vanellus indicus
(Red-wattled lapwing:นกต้อยตีวิด)

2)Dicrurus paradiseus
(Greater racket-tailed drongo:นกแซงแซวหางบ่วงใหญ่)

3)Egretta garzetta
(Little egret:นกยางเปีย)
4)Pycnonotus blanfordi
(Streak-eared bulbul:นกปรอดสวน)
5)Rhipidura javanica
(Malaysian pied fantail:นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ)
6)Megalaima haemacephala
(Coppersmith barbet:นกตีทอง)
7)Geopelia striata
(Zebra dove:นกเขาชวา)

8)Streptopelia chinensis
(Spotted dove:นกเขาหลวง)
9)Columba livia
(Rock pigeon:นกพิราบป่า)
10)Cinnyris jugularis
(Olive-backed sunbird:นกกินปลีอกเหลือง)
11)Acridotheres grandis
(White-vented myna:นกเอี้ยงหงอน)
12)Aegithina tiphia
(Common iora:นกขมิ้นน้อยธรรมดา)
13)Centropus sinensis
(Greater coucal:นกกะปูดใหญ่)
14)Lanius cristatus
(Brown shrike:นกอีเสือสีน้ำตาล)
15)Eudynamys scolopacea
(Asian koel:นกกาเหว่า)

16)Halcyon smyrnensis
(Brown shrike:นกกระเต็นอกขาว)
17) Alcedo atthis
(Common kingfisher:นกกระเต็นน้อยธรรมดา)
18)Dicaeum cruentatum
(Scarlet-backed flowerpecker:นกสีชมพูสวน)
19)Streptopelia tranquebarica
(Red collared dove:นกเขาไฟ)
20)Artamus fuscus
(Ashy woodswallow:นกแอ่นพง)

21)Coracias benghalensis
(Indian roller:นกตะขาบทุ่ง)
22)Dicrurus leucophaeus
(Ashy drongo:นกแซงแซวสีเทา)

23)Corvus macrorhynchos
(Large-billed crow:อีกา)
24)Merops leschenaulti
(Chesnut headed bee-eater:นกจาบคาหัวสีส้ม)
25)Sturnus nigricollis
(Black-collared starling:นกกิ้งโครงคอดำ)
26)Bubulcus ibis
(Cattle egret:นกยางควาย)
*the flock consist of about 10 indiviuals, now some of them have breeding plumage
27)Muscicapa latirostris
(Asian brown flycatcher:นกจับแมลงสีน้ำตาล)

28)Copsychus saularis
(Oriental magpie robin:นกกางเขนบ้าน)
29)Urocissa erythrorhyncha
(Red-billed blue magpie:นกขุนแผน)